Beautifully CONFIDENT

81 - Lou Boyd - The Truth About Skincare!

Episode Summary

Our skin is the first thing people notice, and it also catches our own attention. Naturally, we desire our skin to be healthy, but the question arises: how can we achieve that? Join Kelly as she speaks with Lou Boyd about skincare and its impact on confidence and overall well-being. Regardless of age, it's never too late to embark on a journey of proper skin care! Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

Here's what to expect on the podcast:


About Lou:

Lou Boyd is the owner and founder of Lou Boyd Aesthetics. She has been practicing esthetics for the past 22 years, with a large portion of those years spent in plastic surgery offices. She approaches each person in a personalized way so that each person gets exactly what THEY need. She believes that everyone is unique, their skin is unique, and it should be treated that way.


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