Beautifully CONFIDENT

72 - Mia Frankl and Heather McGregor - The January 2024 Gift of Empowerment Series #1

Episode Summary

Getting a special gift at the start of the year can make you feel excited and grateful. It brings a positive vibe, symbolizing fresh starts and new chances! This year, 2024, Kelly is getting ready to introduce a special live series designed as a gift for women worldwide. In this episode, our guests Mia Frankl and Heather McGregor will share their insights and perspectives on the crucial subject of leading women's empowerment. When you start empowering yourself, you become a catalyst for inspiring and uplifting others, creating a powerful ripple effect of positive change! Stay tuned!

Episode Notes

Here's what to expect on the podcast:


About Mia:

Mia Frankl is a mom, employee, entrepreneur, teacher, healer, and a sage. As someone who has belittled herself for the majority of her life to date, she is now truly embodying her right to her worthiness. The practice of detachment, creating an anchored sense of self and embodying this, has completely blown open how she can share her heart and wisdom in the world. Get inspired insights to free yourself from yourself by living a powerful life and running a powerful business!


Connect with Mia Frankl!





About Heather:

Heather McGregor is a Quantum Play Alchemist and Adventurist! She helps coaches and entrepreneurs to access deeper layers of their unique genius, expression and power to unleash their true body of work and create bold offers and sales without the overwhelm of “doing” more. 

She will show you how to follow the eagles to your unleashed life, business, health, and wealth!


Connect with Heather McGregor!





Connect with Kelly Buckley!

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